Chapter 22 Section #5                                      Name                                                 


1.      What was Nixon’s goal (slogan) for the war?

2.      Describe the success of the Paris peace talks when Nixon became president.  Give examples.

3.      What was Vietnamization?

4.      Despite talks of peace in Paris, what tactic was Nixon using in the war?

5.      What is the silent majority?

6.      Describe My Lai.  Who?  What?  When?  Why?  How?  Impact?

7.      April 30, 1970 & its impact.

8.      May 4, 1970.  Who?  What?  When?  Where?  How?

9.      May 14, 1970

10.  Political impact of Nixon bombing Cambodia?

11.  December 31, 1970

12.  What were the Pentagon Papers?  Impact?

13.  Who was Henry Kissinger and what role did he play in Nixon’s administration?

14.  What prompted the “Christmas bombing”?

15.  January 27, 1971.  What factors proabably made this possible?

16.  March 29, 1973

17.  April 30, 1975

18.  How were returning veterans treated (in general) by the public?

19.  What were some of the problems that Vietnam veterans had?

20.  What was the Khmer Rouge? 

21.  How did the Vietnam War impact U.S. policy and society’s view of Economics?  Be thorough and give specific examples.