Chapter 17 #3 Study Guide (pp.578-587)                                                                                      Name                                                                    

American History

1.          What important components of the American fleet survived the attack on Pearl Harbor?

2.          Give some examples of other conquests of the Japanese military following Pearl Harbor.

3.          Who was in charge of the American forces in the Philippines?  What was the fate of those forces?  What was the famous quote by the American commander?

4.          How did the United States respond to Japan’s aggression on April 18th, 1942?  How successful was the response?  Explain.

5.          What important battle took place in May 1942 and what was its significance? Who won?  Explain.

6.          Who was the American Commander in the Pacific theatre of the war? 

7.          Describe the significance of the Battle of Midway.  (be able to identify its location on a map… p. 580)

8.          Describe the strategy of “island hopping”. 

9.          Where was America’s first land offensive against the Japanese?  Was it successful?

10.      October 1944?  MacArthur’s comment?

11.      What was the new tactic employed by the Japanese in the battle for the Leyte Gulf?  What was the origin of the name of that tactic?

12.      Describe some of the challenges of the Americans when they attacked Iwo Jima.  What was the final island between Iwo Jima and the main islands of Japan?  (be able to locate on map)

13.      Describe the severity of the fighting on Okinawa and the implications it had for the potential assault on the main islands of Japan.

14.      What was the Manhattan Project and when & how did Harry Truman find out about it?

15.      Who is Robert Oppenheimer?

16.      July 16, 1945?

17.      What were the main reasons that led to the use of the bomb?

18.      Describe the different opinions regarding the dropping of the atomic bomb.



19.      August 6, 1945?  Effect?

20.      August 9, 1945?  Effect?

21.      September 2, 1945?

22.      What took place in Yalta in February 1945?  Explain. Who?  What?





23.      What happened at the Nuremberg trials?



24.      Who was put in charge of the occupation of Japan?  Describe the reforms that were implemented during this occupation.  Was it successful?





25.       Describe the different opinions regarding the dropping of the atomic bomb.