Chapter 17 Section #4 (pp. 590-595) Study Guide                                                     Name                                                                     

American History


1.        How did the war affect the unemployment problem which existed during the Depression?  (give examples)

2.        What conditions helped farmers recover from the difficulties they faced in the '30's?

3.        How were women's opportunities affected by the war? (examples of wages, types of jobs etc.)

4.        What were some of the ways families affected by the war?

5.        Describe the GI Bill of Rights & its effect following the war.

6.        What kinds of problems developed as a result of the rapid change in industrial growth?

7.        What does C.O.R.E. stand for?  What were the goals of this organization?

8.        What issue did the Supreme Court case Korematsu v. United States 1944 deal with?  What did the court rule?

9.     What did the Japanese American Citizen's League (J.A.C.L.) accomplish?